Saturday, June 9, 2012

Protein Balls

1/2 cup Oats
1/4 cup Flax Seed Meal
2 scoops Protein Powder
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon Sea Salt
Pinch of Cayenne
2 tablespoons Peanut Butter
1 tablespoon Agave Sweetener
1/4 cup Butter Milk
1/4 cup Toasted Hazelnuts

In a food possessor, grind the hazelnuts, set aside.

Line a plate with parchment paper.

In a food processor, combine oats, flax seed meal, protein powder, cinnamon, salt, and cayenne.  Pulse until combined together.

Add the peanut butter, agave, and butter milk.  Pulse until combined.  Transfer the mixture into a bowl.

Shape the mixture into small size balls and roll them in the prepared hazelnuts.

Place the balls on the plate.  Refrigerate for about one hour.

Makes about 12-14 balls.

*I have heard about the protein ball just two days ago.  They sounded so delicious that I just had to make them.  This balls will help you boost up your protein intake and add tons of nutritional value to your diet.  Of course I had to add Flax Seed Meal, because I am absolutely crazy about it!!!!!!

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